Een leuk cadeautje bij je bestelling!

A nice gift with your order!

Hey, you are probably on this page because you have received an order and are curious about the story behind the gift! We would like to tell you more about it in this blog.

Why did we include a free gift with your order?

Firstly, of course, because we really appreciate you as a customer. Every order is personally packed and processed by us. By choosing a FairTrade gift you help make our dream and that of the producers come true. We are very grateful to you for that! For this gift we also decided to choose a product with which we support a women's group that really needs it. In this way we make you happy and we also make a positive impact. So double win :)

What exactly is this gift?

With your order you found a bag made of African fabric. This has been transformed by the women's group into a nice gift bag with a cheerful cord. This includes a Karité soap, which is a soap made with only natural ingredients. As a result, people with skin allergies or sensitive skin can often tolerate this soap well.

Who makes this gift?

This gift is made by a talented women's group in Burkina Faso, just outside the capital Ouagadougou. The women have a small workshop where they make the soap using only natural ingredients. Due to the political situation in Burkina Faso, their sales are unfortunately very low at the moment and they could really use a number of extra orders.

A video about the production process

During my trip to Burkina Faso we visited the soap cooperative. In this video I would like to explain the production process of the soaps to you: Click here for the video!

Thank you!

Hopefully you enjoyed reading the background information behind your gift! Thank you again for your order at Zawadi. If you would like to give us a gift: we are always happy with a nice review on Google. You can leave a review by clicking here. Thank you and see you soon!

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