Welcome (to the travel blog) to Burkina Faso, a country full of amazing artisans and a wealth of culture! Here in this special country I want to take you on a journey. We will meet local professionals and experience the local culture.
We left Brussels Airport by plane to Burkina Faso (the capital: Ouagadougou) and had an exemplary flight where everything went smoothly.
We were picked up from the airport by a very nice taxi driver in a green taxi, which you regularly see here. It would by far not pass the MOT in the Netherlands, but: it drives! ;) And that's the most important thing. We can see the airport from the roof terrace of the hotel. The roof terrace is a wonderful place to sit, with birdsong around you and a beautiful view.

We went to the market in our neighborhood to buy some fresh fruit and vegetables for the coming days. Including a pomegranate ripened on the tree, mmm! We bought some non-perishable products such as oil and drinks in the store and also visited a fabric stall where we bought pieces of fabric for the producers.
On Sunday morning we were invited from the hotel to a mass in the church where there was a lot of singing and the Lord's Supper was celebrated. In the evening the 'flying dogs' flew past our hotel. These are bats but in XXL size. We also had some nice meetings in the hotel.
We used these first 1.5 days to get used to the temperature, the climate and the new rhythm. It is around 35 degrees here every day. Starting today (Monday) we will be visiting the various producers! Exciting........see you soon!
(Feel free to leave something nice in the comments below :) , I like that! And please let us know what else you would like to see from this trip.)
Leuk om te volgen, heb net zo’n mooie kaars aangedaan, dus sfeervol hier
Benieuwd wat je allemaal nog gaat doen, ik volg. Succes!
Leuk om je reis te volgen! Fijne tijd daar!
Take care and have fun !